Community and Social Pediatrics

Our valuable patients know us as the best child care clinic because we are engaged in with many other childcare activities. Including birth,  prenatal care, and postnatal care, vaccination and immunization we are also involved in social child development services.

In our social child development services, we look after the need for a child and then we focus on his/her strength. This program is effective in fighting with the risk of low development or toxic stress. Dr. Abhishek childcare clinic is not just a clinic but it is a complete care platform for kids who deserve the best care from their birth.

Our social pediatrics are trained to deal with special and challenged child patients. Our motive behind this service is to just spread the  love, care, and happiness all around the small wonders life. So that they can grow purely, live happily and achieve what they want in their life.

Office Location +91-90-153-63790 +91-90-153-63790